Survival Kits for Creatives

kit_125Montreal design studio Phoenix has earned beaucoup bonus points in the Designer Afterlife for three survival kits they’ve come up with to help you get through your own crisis du jour. As you can imagine, the design of the bundles themselves is really half the fun.

The “Presentation” Version

“2:55 p.m. Your phone alarm rings and reminds you that in 5 minutes, you have a meeting that you had completely forgotten about. You’re in luck. The Presentation Survival Kit contains everything you need to look stylish and professional in front of your client. Let’s just hope your project is as refined as you now look.”


  • Pencils
  • Classy bow ties
  • Laser pointer
  • Deodorant
  • Hand sanitizer
  • A motivational badge to wear that says “I am Pretty, Capable, Good.”


The “Overtime” Version

“What a beautiful surprise! The project you’ve been working on for the past 3 months is due tomorrow morning and the client just asked for 500 last minute changes… Don’t panic, we’ve come up with a simple way to make your upcoming extra hours easier: the Overtime Survival Kit. In it you will find everything you need to overcome the task at hand.”


  • 4 oz. flask for “whatever you want/need”
  • Stress ball
  • Bag of coffee
  • A badge that says “I’m working overtime 5-to-11, DON’T BOTHER ME.”


The “Power Outage” Version

“You’re quietly working on a project when suddenly your screen goes black. There is a second of complete silence followed by a symphony of screams across the office… No doubt about it, you’re out of electricity. No worries, the Power Outage Survival Kit has everything you need to pass the time, to keep warm and out of the dark.”


  • Deck of playing cards
  • Harmonica
  • Two candles
  • Thermal blanket
  • A badge that says “Don’t Panic: Everything will be fine.”



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