The Perfect Piece of Paper?

So what makes the perfect piece of paper environmentally speaking? RISI recently posed this question at an event it organized called “The Big Debate: Sustainability and the Paper Industry – Looking at the Big Issues.”

From certain percentages of recycled and virgin fiber to agri-waste products, from process considerations like elimination of chlorine to price concerns and competition, there were nearly as many opinions as people responding. And rightly so, as the question for the paper industry defies simple labels or certification schemes.

That being said, one of the panelists, Jim Ford from Climate for Ideas, talked about a tool from Environmental Paper Network called Paper Steps that’s designed to help paper buyers move their purchases up a scale rather than getting bogged down in some of these complicated issues.

You can watch a whole series of videos from this fascinating gathering at YouTube. There are eight, none longer than 10 minutes.


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