PRO Benefits: The Latest Cool Promos – Free!


With memories of last week’s HOW Design Live fresh in our minds, we can’t help but be proud that our PRO members can get their hands on all those insanely cool promotions glimpsed at trade shows everywhere, all without ever leaving their desks. That’s just one of the perks of being a PaperSpecs PRO member. Take Neenah’s latest: Explore No. 5 featuring five creative ideas to help enhance the guest experience at every touch point. Each piece is digitally printed and produced with small production budgets in mind. Members can order Explore 5 right here …and for free!

PaperSpecs PRO members always have an easy way to browse, order and receive the latest paper promos from our Members Only Mill Promotions portal. And unlike non-PRO members who pay anywhere from $10-$20 per item, you will never pay for a single one. Order just a few promos and swatchbooks (yes, you get those, too!) each year and your membership pays for itself! It’s like getting all the other PRO member benefits for free, including:

Ready to start receiving the latest insanely cool promos?







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