Printer Chows Down on Paper Stacks

mugi_yamamotoSometimes it seems our offices would consist of little more than typewriters and chalkboards if not for the Japanese. It’s a feeling that sneaks up on you whenever you encounter yet another creation by a Japan-based inventor like the Stack compact printer.

Invented by recent industrial-design-school grad Mugi Yamamoto, Stack – his diploma project – is a portable inkjet printer. More accurately, it is the TOP of an inkjet printer – it has no bottom paper tray. That’s because you perch the printer on top of a large stack of paper, and it proceeds to gobble up one sheet at a time, gradually descending as the stack gets smaller and smaller. Printed pages are pushed to the top of the device thanks to a rubber wheel inside.

“This is a printer for people who don’t have much room but still want to print larger quantities,” Yamamoto told [sic]. “Someone printing their final thesis, for example; they can simply print the pile and then stick the printer back in the [drawer].”


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