Always Have Answers to Your Clients’ Questions at Hand

PRO Benefits

There you are trying to sell a client on a cool new marketing piece – all intricate typography and foil stamping – when you hear them say “we only want to print a couple hundred; that won’t be a problem, will it?” You’re a PaperSpecs PRO member so you’re already familiar with using digital printing for short-run jobs, but can you get foil stamping on digital pieces? That’s when you go to the PROs Only “Printing & Finishing” section of the PaperSpecs website and pull up the entry on digital foil, aka “sleeking.” Bingo!

There you find:

  • A simple, step-by-step explanation of how foil is applied to digitally printed pieces
  • The size of the area you can foil
  • The number of pieces you can “sleek” economically
  • The best papers for the job
  • Insider tips you will find nowhere else.

Perfect! But how did you know you’d find the crucial information you were looking for on PaperSpecs? Because that’s where you also go for:

  • Ordering the latest Swatchbooks, shipped free to your door
  • Exclusive PRO Tips on printing and paper choice
  • Personalized printing and paper help from your PRO Concierge
  • Hot-off-the-presses mill promotions (delivered free)
  • More than 10 years of webinars by industry experts
  • In-depth guides to printing and finishing techniques

and more.

Not a PaperSpecs PRO member, or know a designer who could really use this vital information? Click the button below to start your PRO membership right now!




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