Alyson Kuhn Business System


Yep, this business system certainly is AOK! But what would you expect from someone that’s among the royalty of wordplay? The choice of monarch-sized stationery is so terrific and call-attention-to-me different – why does anyone do 8.5 x 11 anyway?

The psychology gurus say you’ll confuse children if you present them with more than two options at a time – Toast or cereal? Salt or no salt? But we aren’t children now are we (at least when it comes to good design), so the four versions of business cards were a welcome part of this business system, and once again, so suited to the client.

Paper selection divine, production skillful and design inspired. Kuhn I get some too?

Alyson Kuhn Business System was featured as a Paper Inspiration.


Project Details

Title Alyson Kuhn Business System Client Alyson Kuhn Date November 2009 Design Michael Osborne Design
San Francisco, CA
Print One Heart Press
San Francisco, CA
Paper Mohawk Strathmore Soft Aqua and Soft Gray

Production Details

Printing Method Letterpress Number of Colors One color Finishing and Binding Perforated

  1. Dessertenne/Simon 4 months ago

    Dear Alyson.
    Just to tell you that my sweet Celeste K.Simon ( Dessertenne)
    Died last october. Meilleurs souvenirs de tes vistes à Paris et de notre séjour à S.F in 1977
    Jacques Dessertenne

    • Aaron 4 months ago

      We’re so sorry for your loss, Jacques. Unfortunately Alyson Kuhn isn’t involved with this website. You might try her at her site here: Best wishes.

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