What You’ll Earn in 2013

For weeks we’ve been shamelessly peeking into this year’s pay envelopes of everybody in this business – all by perusing various reports, of course. (As if we would ever…OK, we would, but never mind.)

Now the 2013 projections begin, starting with The Creative Group’s whimsically named “Paylandia,” which predicts a 3.5% average rise in salaries.

Despite occasionally taking its whimsy to incoherent levels (“spark observatory” is “located on the eastern front of White Space Mountain” – whuh?!), the report delivers what we’re looking for: pay ranges for 125 different positions.

Here are some highlights from this 13th annual report:

  • Art Director (5+ years experience): $68,750 – $97,500
  • Production Director (8+ years): $76,750 – $100,750
  • Creative Director (5-8 years): $89,500 – $124,500
  • Studio Manager (1-5 years): $57,500 – $77,750
  • Graphic Designer (3-5 years): $48,750 – $68,000

“Paylandia” also includes a helpful way to adjust these national averages for more than 135 U.S. markets. The numbers are based on placements, job searches and pay negotiations managed by The Creative Group, and ongoing surveys.


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