IKEA Catalogs Mostly CG

IKEA Catalogs are Mostly Computer GeneratedIKEA catalogs have a delightful way of turning today’s “paper vs. digital” debate neatly on its head. Last year they came up with one of the best uses of augmented reality we’ve seen. And now we learn that of all the homey images in those simple-but-alluring catalogs, 75% are computer generated! As FastCoDesign explains:

“Yes, that means three out of four things you see in an Ikea catalog are fake. The fixtures. The furniture. The walls. The light. Why? It beats shipping endless pieces of prototype furniture halfway across the world for photo shoots.”

IKEA has a database of 25,000 fixture and furniture models that are created virtually – makes perfect sense when you think about it. And in other IKEA news… 😉

IKEA Catalogs are Mostly Computer Generated


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