Design Blog Sheds its Pixels

underconsideration1Embossing, debossing, foil stamping, engraving – however much we adore the various ways we can make paper sing, don’t we also use these techniques to, in some small way, prove how dead the digital medium is in comparison?

Armin Vit, founder of design blog network Under Consideration, recently launched the UC Quarterly, a funky $15 repackaging of the best design projects that have graced its various websites over the previous quarter.

The 48 pager – printed on newsprint between covers made from printers’ makeready scraps – takes you on a tour of packaging, posters and more.

Some artworks are blown up significantly compared to their website versions, so previously unnoticed details leap out at you. The rubber band that binds it all together underlines the undeclared thesis of the project: However much we use the Web, the medium of print allows you to have fun with design while it engages your senses.



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