Cool Cards of the Week

Suckers though we are for a pretty business card blessed with a nice emboss or expertly placed gold foil, what we really adore is when people stretch their imaginations greatly. This week, we answer a martial arts challenge, accept a ticket to ride, and take a nosedive into nerd culture with a way-hip estate agent. (Previous Cool Cards of the Week can be found here.)

MMA Referee Business Card

Mixed Martial Arts Ref Mario Yamasaki’s business card is all business…with a little bit of fun thrown in. Boasting the words “Ultimate Finger Challenge” on the front (along with his contact details), it also features two die-cut holes. Yep, this is all about giving two people the opportunity to have a friendly little thumb war. Two thumbs up! (Then down, then up…)


ultimate finger challenge


Travel Agent Business Card

A greatness has passed from travel. Once a romantic, soul-enriching experience, it has devolved into one more trial to be endured, like a root canal. The card Publicis Machine came up with for Cape Town agency Somewhere Travel, however, restores that sense of romantic adventure, from the fringed edges and front design that evoke tickets of old to the whimsical hot air balloon on the back. So, so many gorgeous details to be found here, right down to a ticket number that (we hope) is different on each and every card.

somewhere travel business card


Real Estate Agent Business Card

While we can claim no special knowledge of the card game “Magic: The Gathering,” we certainly recognize a fun business card when we see it. After years of real estate agent cards that look like their possessors just came back from a trip to Glamour Shots, it’s refreshing to see a card with a sense of fun. Here’s Donna’s card, front and back, and then a real “Magic: The Gathering” card beneath. Neat!

real estate agent business cardreal estate agent business cardmagic the gathering


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