SGP Needs Your Help

Our friend, Mary Ann Fong, assistant director at Temple University Creative Services, contacted us recently. She is asking for help from PaperSpecs readers in completing a very important (very brief … really!) survey.

Mary Ann is passionate about sustainability in print and sits on the board of directors for the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP). SGP would like to establish a baseline of sustainability awareness/interest among print buyers. That’s where the survey comes in.

If you could provide five minutes to take this easy 10-question survey, you will be helping to shape the future direction of SGP. The survey will remain open until June 18.

If you’re a print buyer, please click here.

If you’re a print service provider, please click here.

If you’d like to receive the survey results, you can provide your email address at the end of the survey. Thanks for helping Mary Ann and SGP. PaperSpecs readers are the best!


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