Creative Manifesto Calendar

cup_125Heaven knows the Web is a revelation when it comes to seeing just how many creative individuals there are out there – talent has become positively humdrum today. Yet there are still a few artists, designers and other creative types who somehow manage to leave an impression long after the rest have been quietly clicked away.

Fabien Barral (aka MR CUP) is that rarity among letterpress artists – someone who possesses a style that is instantly recognizable, regardless of the project. At times it is the visual equivalent of someone yelling meth-fueled obscenities into your face after having eaten a particularly spicy meal – an explosion in a paint factory.


Take his 2014 letterpress calendar: The Creative Manifesto for all those Who Dream of Change or Just Want to Enjoy Life. Thirteen cards printed on 700g plain white frost paper, each with its own season-inspired color.  You won’t forget this year in a hurry.




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