Happy New Year from PaperSpecs

We wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy New Year! Everyone at PaperSpecs is looking forward to bringing you inspiring news and stories of great design, quality printing and fine paper in 2012.

We’ll be taking a bit of time off to enjoy the holidays with friends and family and to prepare for all the exciting PaperSpecs offerings coming your way in the new year – from free webinars to PaperSpecs Gallery entries, from the latest mill swatchbooks and promotions to insight and advice on the paper, printing and design issues you care about most.

Please be sure to read the “Top 10 Tips for 2011” below, and let us know if you have any special requests for 2012. Look for the next newsletter on January 11 … it will arrive bright and early as always. Cheers to you all! And thank you for your continued support and interest in PaperSpecs.


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