Classy 'Wine Pouch'

wine_125The 2014 Dieline Awards are out, and there are some beautiful winning entries. Second place in the wine and champagne category went to Milan’s Reverse Innovation for the “Wine Pouch (R)evolution” piece they created for winemaker Gigante. Faced with the challenge of overcoming the sniffy way people view “bag in a box” wines, Reverse Innovation turned the problem on its head by making the “pouch” in question a work of art. It

“…elegantly reinterprets the classic ‘Bordeaux’ bottle by means of an intriguing play of solid areas and empty spaces, emphasized by the contrasting opaque and gloss surfaces of the materials used.

The crucial importance of the geographical origin of the grape and the concept of terroir is enhanced by the use of blind embossing and UV varnish to reproduce the distinctive terracing of the vineyard.

The naturally irregular but almost concentric patterns recall the rows of vines growing on softly undulating slopes. The illustration of the vineyard location even uses the specific shape of the local vine leaf, which is characteristic of this splendid wine-producing area.”




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