I could call these printed pieces a capabilities brochure because each clearly demonstrates just what this printer can do. But really, it’s an eight-act play staged to perfection and delivered to an audience of potential design and advertising clients.
An envelope printed in solid metallic ink plus spot gloss aqueous on Utopia One X Gloss contains a flysheet printed on Curious Translucent Clear in three colors and a postcard printed on Utopia Premium Silk in six-color Hi-Fi with a dry-pass, dot-for-dot gloss varnish.
Eight times these packets are distributed – each with its own theme, color palette, tender quotes from famous poets and philosophers, and gorgeous Lois Greenfield dance photos.
Applause erupts as each envelope is opened, but this reviewer is brought to her feet as a slipcase takes center stage. This finale is made from Curious Touch with clear foil, diecutting and debossing and holds all eight packets together in tidy union.
The richness of the colors, the textures of the stock, the finesse of production techniques, the thoughtfulness of the design … this play is going to have quite the run.
Colornet Press Marketing Campaign was featured as a Paper Inspiration.