Writing the Proposal & Getting Paid

Design-School-125bBy Phil Cleaver

Some of us got our start slogging away in design school, others simply peddled designs around town until we found a company willing to pay us while we learned on the job. Yet no matter how you began, chances are there are things you never really learned – the far-less-fun business-y things.

Along comes Phil Cleaver’s handy new book, What They Didn’t Teach you in Design School – just in time for some of us if the frantic postings in various LinkedIn groups is anything to go by. (For readers in the UK the book is published by Ilex Press @Ilex_Press; for readers in the US the book is published by HOW Design.”) – ed.


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philcleaver125Prof. Phil Cleaver (who wrote and designed the book) is a multi-award winning designer who sees things differently. A protégé of Anthony Froshaug, with over three decades of experience to draw on, he runs his own globally-successful design agency and finds the time to be Professor in the Creative Industries in the School of Art and Design at Middlesex University.


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