Utopia Green-e Options Available

Appleton Coated has transitioned its renewable electricity purchasing to renewable energy credits (RECS) from Green-e certified energy sources.

Green Power is now a standard offer in five grades of the Utopia brand of coated printing papers: Utopia Premium, Utopia One (sheets and web), U1X:Green (sheets and web), Utopia Two (sheets) and U2:XG (sheets and web).

“One hundred percent of the electricity used to manufacture these products is matched with RECS from Green-e certified energy sources – primarily wind,” says Ferkó Goldinger, advertising and promotion manager.

Customers also may specify Green Power for Appleton Coated’s papers that do not include this as standard. Those choosing this option will be charged a small additional cost and will be provided with a certificate of purchase plus the Green Power logo, if requested.

You can learn more about Appleton Coated’s environmental focus and features in the Utopia Green Zone.


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