Cool Packaging: Tiziano Boxes and Cups

tiziano packaging

Packaging performs many functions beyond simply keeping its contents well protected. In the case of the boxes and cups designed by the Maeutica Branding Agency for Armenian cafe and pastry shop Tiziano, it serves as a gentle bulwark against rapid modernization.

tiziano packaging

Since 2000, Yerevan, the capital of the former Soviet republic of Armenia, has undergone substantial construction. As a result, many historic buildings have been destroyed or renovated to conform to modern tastes. The packaging for Yerevan’s Tiziano cafes celebrates the country’s proud architectural heritage in a number of ways, starting with its cups. Not only are we treated to the image of a hand-tooled door, but also a traditional Armenian arch. Look closely: you can even see brickwork all around the cup! (Note: Tiziano itself appears to have a more modern, glass-fronted facade, which only adds to the poignancy of its cups and boxes.)

tiziano packaging

Yet it is the boxes for Tiziano’s various goodies that truly celebrate the city’s historic architecture. It’s truly astonishing how the printing of detailed illustrations and the strategic placement of die cuts can transform simple pastry packaging into an elegant, cultural experience! (Check out the “Goat Barn” project for a similar approach.)

Discover more Cool Packaging right here!

tiziano packaging

tiziano packaging



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