See the World (from Inside a Box)

souvenirs4bRemember those collagen facemasks in Seoul – weren’t they a hoot? What, you’ve never been? No matter. For those of us who can only dream of traveling the world, there is “A Box From.”

The pet project of peripatetic German designer Elin Aram, each beautifully designed package arrives at your door packed with souvenirs from one particular city. Cost: about $50.

Her first box, Seoul, sold out in about an hour, according to We were particularly struck by the packaging of the piece, which features a an engaging illustration of a South Korean street scene. The look of its simple label is reminiscent of an airmail letter, which lists the contents of the box in Korean and English.


Inside, some notebooks, a packet of noodles, sticky notes, the aforementioned collagen mask and more – all items chosen to tell you something about the city.

Next up: a box from Tehran packed with a map, handmade basket, tea glass and tea, and yes, more. This is an inspired example of how good design combined with a little imagination can make the world a better, smaller place.





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