Paper Poised to Change the World … Again

I love how technology is combining the best of two worlds to create new interactive experiences that also satiate our desire for the tactile experience of paper.

You may remember that we told you about a new electronic ink that promises to revolutionize printing high-performance electronics.

The latest development we’ve heard about comes from this year’s SXSW conference in Austin, Texas where “The Listening Post” was revealed. It’s a poster that plays music via printed circuits made with conductive ink. Press an image on the poster, and a music clip begins to play.

The poster is the result of a research partnership with Cambridge, U.K. firm Novalia (that has developed methods to print conductive ink), art group Found, musician King Creosote, and Dr. Jon Rogers from the University of Dundee.

Uniform, a brand communications agency in Liverpool, U.K. and integral player in “The Listening Post” poster, explains why it is so excited about the new smart paper app technology in this video.

“At Uniform, we love Print – in an increasingly screen-based world, it still offers a ubiquitous, low-cost, high-volume, and high-value platform for interaction. Printed electronics is an opportunity to merge the traditional media, skills and production methods associated with print with digital content and services in new, often unexpected ways to enable more engaging interactions between brands and consumers.”

We couldn’t agree more!


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