Hiring Trends for Marketing & Ad Pros

Thirteen percent of marketing and advertising executives plan to add full-time staff in the next three months, according to The Creative Group Hiring Index for Marketing and Advertising Professionals.

Three percent forecast reductions in personnel. Most respondents, 80 percent, expect to make no changes to the size of their teams.

The national study, developed by The Creative Group and conducted by an independent research firm, is based on more than 500 telephone interviews – approximately 375 with marketing executives randomly selected from companies with 100 or more employees and 125 with advertising executives randomly selected from agencies with 20 or more employees.

Other Key Findings from the study include:

  • Account services, web design/production and brand/product management are the specialties in greatest demand, according to survey respondents.
  • Forty-one percent of survey respondents said it’s challenging to find skilled creative professionals today, down four points from three months ago.
  • Ninety-one percent of marketing and advertising executives report they are confident in their companies’ growth prospects for the second quarter, up two points from first-quarter projections.

“Companies are moving more of their advertising and marketing budgets to digital and online media, driving demand for professionals with expertise in this specialization,” said Donna Farrugia, executive director of The Creative Group. “There also is an ongoing need for account services professionals to help manage a growing number of current and prospective client relationships, as well as keep projects on track and within budget.”

Marketing and Advertising Specialties in Demand
Marketing and advertising executives were asked, “In which of the following areas do you expect to hire in the second quarter of 2012?” Their responses:

Account services 20%
Web design/production 20%
Brand/product management 18%
Social media 17%
Media services 16%
Interactive media 15%
Print design/production 15%
Public relations 14%
Marketing research 13%
Mobile applications development 12%
Creative/art direction 10%
Copywriting 7%

(Note: Multiple responses permitted. Top responses shown.)

To see how hiring within the creative profession has changed since last quarter and how it compares to other sectors, please visit www.roberthalf.us.

More “Hiring Index” reports can be found at the TCG website.


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