Need Off-the-Rack Font Combos?

kernest1bSometimes you want a gorgeous piece of salmon and sparkling dinner conversation…and other times you’d be happy with a dollop of Hamburger Helper and “American #@#^ Idol.” And, quite possibly, the same goes for design.

This surely must be the idea behind The Kernest Konstellation Font Bundles. The collection of “36 expertly curated font combinations” is designed to save you time by giving you font combinations that work well aesthetically right out of the box. While the $99 product is clearly tailored to Web use, it does include print versions. (Disturbingly, the limited explanatory materials are silent on which fonts are actually included.)

Far more important, however, is this whole “off the shelf” concept of design. Few designers worth their Pantone books would use (or admit to using) a design template as the basis for a fresh design. Yet if you could use a pre-chosen font combination, would you? (Obviously we’re not talking to the font nerds here.) Still, in today’s one-designer-doing-the-job-of-three workplace, wouldn’t it at least be nice to have the option of a little Hamburger Helper now and then?




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