Instagram Pics in Print

insta_125We’ve been extremely skeptical about services that have been trying to sell us on printing our digital photos as books. Last November it was Flickr Photo Books; and Instagram has its own book-printing option through Blurb. Up till now we thought the aspect of all this that made us so skeptical was the idea of printing our digital pics in book form. Turns out it was just the design of the books themselves that was giving us pause.

We made this discovery when we came across BooksTo.Me. Don’t get us wrong – these volumes are not going to win any awards for design – the front cover in particular gives us the heebie-jeebies. What got us was the uniformity of the books, and the dates the photos were taken printed on the front cover.


Simply come up with a design where the date range is printed on the spine and one strong central image graces the cover and you’d have something very compelling indeed: a yearbook for your life. Getting wistful for that hiking trip you took last August? Go to the shelf, find the corresponding volume, and lose yourself in those fond memories.

As much as many of us would love to keep an old-fashioned photo album, we simply don’t have the time to do so. A monthly yearbook of our Instagram photos that we could place on our bookshelf and refer back to throughout our lifetime, on the other hand – we are so there.





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