Webinar – Perfect Match: Print and __

55-webinar3Tuesday, March 12, 2013
2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT)

Print and social media?
Print and mobile apps?
Print and video?
Print and augmented reality?
YES! Savvy brand marketers today know that combining print with other media platforms generates the biggest bang for the buck.

“The Perfect Match: Print and ________,” the next in PaperSpecs’ ongoing free webinar series, will reveal exciting new insights into how marketers are combining print with other media to achieve effective results. During the 60-minute online seminar, special guest speaker Daniel Dejan, Sappi’s North American ETC print and creative manager, will:

  • Reveal surprising industry findings about demographic preferences, emotional triggers, browsing and shopping behavior, and niche marketing
  • Share examples that demonstrate how to make print more interactive, visually intriguing and tactile.


  • Which marketing platform makes the deepest impact on customers
  • Which tools build credibility and trust for your brand
  • How 18-to-24-year-olds like to receive communications
  • What the role of print is in the new media mix
  • How to create brand appreciation.

As a special bonus, all registrants will be mailed a complimentary copy of “Print &” after the webinar. The Sappi publication offers insights into why a combination of platforms can be the most effective way to achieve marketing goals. (“Print &” was designed by award-winning designer Kit Hinrichs of Studio Hinrichs.)

To sign up for this free webinar, please click here.


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