New Way to Shake up Your Images

red_125Feel like you’ve done just about everything there is to do with the images you use each day? If the former shutterbug in you yearns to accomplish at least one effect without the aid of Photoshop, consider the accidental art form discovered by Brooklyn artist Job Piston. Simply expose light-sensitive photo paper to an image on your computer screen and bam – an eerie red image ready for scanning.

As the artist told television station KCET,

“While the processor developed prints, I was searching my emails, following breaking news and status updates, and fortuitously exposed an entire box of light-sensitive paper in the darkroom.”


Piston used his newfound technique to create a series of prints that he calls “Reds”, some of which are currently on display at the California Museum of Photography in Riverside until Feb. 22nd.

Consider it Instagram for those not afraid to get their hands dirty.



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