THE Worst Photoshop Error Ever?

photoshop2Those who regularly work with Photoshop know just what a tricky beast it can be, especially when it comes to juggling multiple layers. And working in Photoshop today is probably the most hazardous time of all to do so. Thanks to this sad economy:

  • Everybody’s doing the work of 2 or 3 people at least
  • Proofers are more overworked, meaning more slips through
  • Any mistakes you make are headed straight for the Web.

photoshop3For an example of just how badly things can go wrong, look no further than this “Cars” themed pool licensed by Disney no less, which made the rounds on Reddit recently. (See image at the very bottom of this page.)

An image that at first seemed to be something made by a pervy Photoshopper proved to be the real deal. The explanation by this former print production person clears up the mystery behind it, and indirectly cautions us all to double and triple check our most innocuous Photoshop assignments:

More than likely, when someone was Photoshopping the mom’s bathing suit, he probably forgot to move her back a couple of layers so that her legs were behind the pool and her hand was comfortably on the grass and not on the young boy’s privates. Errors like this are usually caught in the proof stage, but do occasionally slip through.


We suggest saving this piece to show your boss the next time they urge you to deliver a product before you’re comfortable with letting it go. “Remember the pool, boss. Remember the pool….”


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