Passport to Typography

pass_125A lot of of beautiful print promos cross our desk (and screen) these days, but this one really grabbed us for some reason. Type nerds will respond to it for obvious reasons, but there’s also something romantic about how P22 Type Foundry formatted this notebook/type reference as a passport.

Designed by Richard Kegler and Miranda Roth as a special commemorative piece for the foundry’s 20th anniversary, the 24-page P22 Typographic Miscellany features:

  • Grid paper
  • Dot grid paper
  • Radial grid paper
  • Triangle grid paper
  • Lined paper
  • Calligraphy paper
  • Type anatomy diagram
  • California Job Case reference chart
  • Euro accent key reference chart
  • Conversion reference for point/pica/inch/cm
  • Perpetual calendar accurate until 2059.

It comes with three different color covers – red, green and blue – printed on Arjowiggins’ Curious Metallics paper with gold foil embossing.

You can actually pick up all three for a very reasonable $7.95.




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