Pantone’s Color of 2013 is….

For those in the biz, Pantone is more than an efficient system for not embarrassing yourself too badly on press colorwise – it is a kingdom whose slightest pronouncement is sacred. So when that Emerald City announces what color will dominate the coming year, we can but pass this news on to the rest of the faithful.

Oops, rather spoiled the surprise on that one. Yes, 2013 will henceforth be known as the year of Emerald, aka Pantone 17-5641. Touted by that hue-obsessed corporation as “a lively, radiant, lush green,” Emerald also happens to be “a color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.” And kudos to Pantone for featuring Emerald art from its Pantone Canvas project on its Emerald webpage.

Not completely sold? Here are some more selling points. Emerald:

  • Inspires insights
  • Is sophisticated and luxurious
  • Is the color of growth, renewal and prosperity.

Best of all, it leaves this year’s Pantone color, Tangerine Tango (17-1463 for those keeping score at home), in the dust. Alas, we still miss 2008’s Blue Iris (18-3943)…


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