Those Oscar Envelopes

oscar_125“The Oscar envelope has always been a dream of mine,” Marc Friedland told the International Business Times. Friedland is the founder and creative director of LA’s Marc Friedland Couture Communications, which has designed the 72 envelopes for the Academy Awards four times now. His company not only designs the envelopes and winner cards for the Oscars, but also the invitations for related events such as the Governor’s Ball.

(He also produced invitations for Oprah Winfrey’s 50th birthday party and Christmas cards for Brad Pitt. Yes, that’s name dropping, but when you’re talking about the producer of the Oscar cards and envelopes, honestly what else are you supposed to do?)


The International Business Times piece is a fascinating read; here are some highlights:

  • The envelope paper is custom made in Bavaria
  • Different suppliers worldwide supply the gold leaf, ink and ribbons
  • Friedland’s 10-member team spends 100 hours doing everything by hand, from folding, gluing and laminating to embossing, as well as printing 40 yards of red ribbon.

Our own projects are going to look pretty shabby by comparison today…





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