Even My Magazine is Sunburned

novum2When you’re a magazine that explores the graphic design world, occasionally you have to push the boat out a little with your own design, if only to maintain your street cred. Germany’s Novum magazine, on the other hand, has made a habit of it.

With the help of Barcelona design studio Two Points, the August issue of Novum reminded readers of the dangers of getting too much sun. On the cover, an abstract white torso of a man. Exposed to UV rays, however, and the white torso becomes a pink torso wearing a white sleeveless T-shirt. The cover was screen printed with photochromic ink.

Quoth the designers: “The idea for the cover came to us when we saw a group of sun-starved German men on the terrace of a café in Barcelona.” Henceforth, we suggest that this be the story you give when explaining the origins of your own design ideas, whatever they might be.



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