A Paper…Cocktail?

gin_125There is a Venn diagram that can easily be scribbled on the back of a bar mat depicting a pretty good cross-over between designers and fans of all things fermented. (All together now: “Have you MET my clients?!”) And now a Parisian bartender has gone and blended those twin raw materials of design: paper and gin.

Remy Savage of Paris’ Little Red Door won Bombay Sapphire’s most imaginative cocktail contest by whipping up a drink that smells and tastes…like paper.


Taking as his inspiration the fact that Bombay Sapphire’s newest distillery used to be a paper factory (answering the question of what’s become of all those decommissioned factories), Savage did his best to simulate the flavor and scent of print.

As he explained to ABC News:

“Vanilla and grass are the two main aromas you get from aging paper. But I had to turn down the natural sweetness of vanilla, so I used dry gentian root, which is very bitter. And then a little bit of 10-year-old scotch, so very peaty, very strong, very smoky flavor to give the old, dusty aspect.”

For those dying to try a paper cocktail, the news agency helpfully supplies the recipe here.

Please note that PaperSpecs will NOT be signing any doctor’s notes tomorrow, so please get smashed responsibly.



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