Must Have: FiberMark Ideation Promo

fiberMark_ideation1With all of the printing techniques out there, it’s easy to forget how much luxury, personality and mystery can be conveyed simply by choosing the right specialty covering material or stock for packaging design.

FiberMark reminds us of this with the first of its “Ideation” promotions (using a word derived from the “search-to-solution methods designers and specifiers use in conceptual problem-solving”). This promotion concentrates on premium wine-and-spirit secondary packaging materials, and makes a compelling case for five of its finest stocks.


On the front, an imaginative account detailing how designer “Caleb” brainstormed the perfect package (with supporting brand collateral) for “Cricket Whisky.” On the back, one swatch each for:

  • Iridescents by Corvon Gold 8508, Polish
  • Shimmer by Corvon Mallard 819, Powder
  • Grafton Cover Tan, Custom Color
  • Alloy Metal Mesh by Corvon Gold 8602 on Red Board (which, quite frankly, requires a 12-step program to stop you from running a finger over it indefinitely)

All printed and decorated on Dorset Sandstone, 17pt.

fiberMark_ideation3Whether you are a designer looking to help a brand reposition or upsell their products with added shelf appeal; a converter looking for material with superior runnability that converts like a dream; or a brand holder looking for innovation, richness and durability for premium packaging, FiberMark makes it easy.

PaperSpecs readers, click here to get your Ideation promotion from FiberMark.


Corvon, Grafton, Alloy and Dorset are registered trademarks of FiberMark North America Inc.


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