Mohawk Show 12 Winners Revealed

The four Best of Show winners are: Hunt Studio
 for Process Journal Edition Two, Naughtyfish Design for Ordinary Day, Sasges Inc. for The Goat Book, and Piscatello Design Centre for Visiting Artist Program: David Gibson Poster.

The four Special Category winners are The Brand Hatchery for Boxsal Press Kit, Weymouth Design for Cycle Kids Annual Report 2009, Present & Correct for Smile, and Scarpati Studio & Ink Creative for the Cramp, Slash & Burn: When Punk and Glam were Twins book.

“After seeing the amazing entries from all over the world, what struck us most is that, contrary to some opinions, print is definitely not dead,” says Jane Monast, director of communications for Mohawk.

To see the work of all the winners, please visit the Felt & Wire blog.


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