Katy Perry: Bio Hazzard

perrySong sprite/franchise Katy Perry had her good intentions unceremoniously Koala’d by the Australian government recently when it nixed the importation of deluxe copies of her new album, “Prism”. The problem? Her album packaging contains plant seeds that, according to Perry, are meant to “spread the light.” Aussie officials are worried that they might spread more than that.

“Seeds or plant material of international origin may be a weed not present in Australia or the host of a plant pathogen of bio-security concern,” said a Department of Agriculture spokesperson, who probably never thought in a million years that they’d be weighing in on Katy bloody Perry in an official capacity.

Fortunately, Australian copies of the album contain Swan River daisy seeds, which are considered harmless from a biological standpoint, but tacky if worn in a chain after Labour Day.


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