Cool Cards of the Week

fashion label cardHowever nifty your website, more often than not the first impression someone you’ve just met gets of what you can do is from your business card, and heaven help you if it doesn’t walk your talk. It’s something that a lot of people out there are taking to heart, it seems. This week, we get snippy with a barber, string a fashion studio along, and dust for clues with a private eye.

Barber Business Card

Russian designer Evgeny Katz has come up with a unique way of getting people’s attention, employing an optical illusion that makes the scissors look like they’re snipping away whenever you slide the internal card in and out of its housing. The only thing missing seems to be…name and contact information. Can’t have everything 😉

scissors cardscissors card


Fashion Label’s Business Card

There’s something elegant about the sheer simplicity of the business card design Burak Kaynak came up with for Montreal fashion studio Matière Noire. Die-cut cards made from Neenah’s CRANE’S Lettra White 220 lb. Cover, each hand wrapped with natural black cotton thread to emphasize the raw materials the brand uses in its clothing.

fashion label card

Private Investigator’s Business Card

Leaving aside for a moment the question of practicality, you have to admit that there’s something almost quaint about this design for a PI’s business card that gradually reveals its secrets when you use clue-gathering means. Developed by Russia’s StreetArt, this card (and accompanying identity materials) can only be read by going over it with a pencil or “fingerprint powder.” (Presumably something more than simple blind embossing is at play here, as you’d be able to read that easily enough without the “dusting.”)

PI business card


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