Calendar Crushes This Week

ivet_calendar_125Take a deep breath. Smell that? That’s the smell of 2015…and we’re still hung up on calendars. So long as people keep producing imaginative, enticing ways to record the passing of the year, we’ll keep oohing and ahhing over them. This week, high fashion rubs shoulders with facial hair. (Trust us, it’s more appealing than it sounds.) And you’ll find even more calendars to crush on here.

Ivet Fashion Calendar 2015

With a package like this, it almost doesn’t matter what it looks like on the inside. Fortunately, this A3-size calendar celebrating the Bulgarian fashion modeling agency’s 20 years in biz puts the talent front and center. Of course your ability to actually use it as a calendar will depend in large part on your tolerance of models making goo-goo eyes at you all year…



Bearded Year 2015 Calendar

While not strictly speaking paper, Anna Marineko’s creation is too cool to pass up if, you know, beards are your thing. The following description from DesignBoom will give you the idea:

“The body consists of 12 transparent A4 size layers (210 mm by 297 mm) representative of each month, with the numbers and their corresponding days placed in the footer. the graphic overlays mimic the effect of growth with the passage of time while the saturation of the light blue tint pages is enhanced as they are turned.”



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