Cool Cards of the Week

all_blacks_card_125The beginning of a new year and already we’re seeing some exciting and inventive business cards – they’re everywhere! This week, we’re temporarily rooting for the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team, adoring graphic designer/ photographer Dylan Dylanco, and tying ourselves in knots over massage therapist Derek Michael Royer. (More awesome business cards can be found here.)

Dylan Dylanco

Our love of “dimensional” marketing is a matter of public record – the company Structural Graphics is probably two clicks from taking out a restraining order against us at this point. But Dylan took the idea of the pop-up business card and made it her own – by inserting a miniature Dylan right in the card.

From the crisp blue of the piece to the casual outfit and attitude of the mini-Dylan we see – our own little “Indian in the Cupboard” – this card would never be far away from our desktop, making it the perfect business card, really.



New Zealand All Blacks

The only thing we know about rugby is that it’s football minus the 40 lbs. of protective gear Americans insist on wearing (thank you, Buffy), but we are instant fans of New Zealand’s All Blacks, or at least their awesome business cards. The team’s fern logo is the centerpiece for a card created by b-type design through etching and laser cutting – stunning.



Derek Michael Royer

As much as we adore paper, there are some pretty interesting business cards being made from other materials, such as this simple-but-effect piece for a massage therapist printed on fabric. Clients receive the card tied in a knot; untying it reveals Mr. Royer’s contact info, all while mirroring the lessening of tension in sore muscles that comes from massage in the process.



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