Ashley Madison…Avenue

ashley madison avenue

Not many positive things have come out of the recent hacking of cheating site Ashley Madison, but you have to give props to New York branding firm Terri & Sandy. Seemingly before the first “you cheating $@!” had been shouted, the company launched Ashley Madison Avenue. Reworking the original’s “Life is Short. Have an Affair” tagline into “Creative Careers are Short. Cheat on your Partner,” Ashley Madison Avenue seeks to match up art directors and copywriters for projects.

How serious they actually are remains to be seen – there’s something a bit off about the whole thing – yet nearly 40 people have created profiles. The site features just two options: “Art Director seeking Copywriters” or vice versa.

Master branders that they are, Terri & Sandy have managed to mimic the original site (or so we believe – the last thing we’re going to do is visit it for obvious reasons) while still using the Terri & Sandy color palette.

So go on designers: Life is short – play around…creatively.

*No marriages were harmed in the making of this post (we, um, hope). 

Update: And now it turns out that nearly all of the “women” on Ashley Madison were bots (basically software). What a world…

ashley madison avenue


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