An Australia Post QRistmas

video_stampThere’s an inspiring mania for trying new things that you find in national postal services that is really never glimpsed in the private sector. Take Australia Post’s push this holiday season to get already-harried shoppers to record a short video message that is then linked to a QR code on the gift package they’re mailing. The service is free to use with the purchase of any Express Post service.

This “Video Stamp”, developed by the Clemenger BBDO Melbourne creative agency, only requires an iPhone or Android smartphone, the associated app, and the patience to be bothered about the whole thing in the first place. If shoppers aren’t feeling harried enough, there are time limits involved. Your message can be no longer than 15 seconds, it has to be recorded within 12 hours of posting the package, and the message is only available to watch or download for 90 days.

“But, but, but why can’t I just send a video online or over my smartphone?” (Shh! Quiet! You’ll ruin everything…)



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