Premium 'Thank You' Notes

emoticon_125Ah, Boxing Day. Now that the gifts have been unwrapped and the family Skyped, it’s high time we turned our attention to penning those all important “Thank You” notes. (It’s what separates us from the animals, don’t you know.) And if you’re one of those people who doesn’t mind spending $15 each for designer note paper, you might just be inclined to scribble your indebtedness on Alison Lou’s emoticon-based stationery.

We must admit we knew nothing of the brand before stumbling across these cards; it’s perhaps best described as gold-and-diamond-studded cutesy jewelry, with liberal lashings of the emoticon motif. But back to the cards.

Choose from the Naughty or Nice holiday card ($15 each) or the more all-purpose Lovestruck correspondence card set ($143 for 10). The former is:

  • 4.25″ x 6 3/8″
  • Hand engraved in gold and pink ink
  • On Dempsey & Carroll 2-ply folded card stock
  • Accompanied by a matte, red, hand-lined envelope.

The latter is:

  • 4.25″ x 6 3/8″
  • Hand engraved in gold and red ink
  • On Dempsey & Carroll 4-ply white 100% cotton fiber
  • Accompanied by painted gold border and matte, red-lined envelopes.

All well and good if you’re into this kind of thing. But being quite unable to “see the forest for the trees”, our editor looked past all this to focus instead on a less elegant detail: Alison Lou, for all of its whimsical opulence and charm, misspelled “stationery” throughout its website. (And if he’s expecting a “thank you” note for pointing out this little fact, he’ll be waiting by the letter box a very long time indeed.)



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