AIGA's 2014 Design Salary Survey

salary_125Every year, those of us who spend much of the year secretly suspecting that we’re not getting paid quite as much as we should get a chance to confirm or disprove that notion, thanks to AIGA. This year’s Survey of Design Salaries probably holds few surprises for most people.

All amounts given are median numbers for total cash compensation, which is why, for example, “agency creative or design director” comes in at an even $100k. You know the drill – if you’re on one of the coasts, add 25%-50%.

Here are a few notables:

  • Art director: $67,500
  • Designer: $46,000
  • Design manager: $75,000
  • In-house creative or design director: $75,000

More grist for the grousing mill here.



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