The Designer’s Hooch You’ve Been Waiting For

We’ve seen the Pantone name applied to a good number of products over the years, but this concept by designer Txaber – and alas it is only a concept at this time – simply looked too gorgeous not to share. Take it away, Txaber:

“The bottle wears Pantone and the message is very direct. In each design the color is the representative of the flavor and at the bottom is placed the name of the flavor and its corresponding Pantone reference. In the images can be seen different varieties, such as Absolut Cherrys, Absolut Pears, Absolut Raspberri… As well as a hypothetical case of a copper colored bottle and the last case with the color of the year 2017.”


Considering the rocky year that lies ahead, we can’t think of a more welcome product than Absolut Pantone vodka. Here’s Greenery 15-0343 in your eye…

More Cool Designs can be found right here.

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