9-Package ‘Box-in-a-Box’ Experience

Sometimes it’s easy to forget just what a wide variety of shapes and sizes packaging comes in…and how spectacular a well-planned “unboxing experience” can be. 

It’s something dramatically demonstrated by this clever “box-in-a-box…in a box…in a box…” promotion – comprised of 9 boxes in all – from the aptly named “Elegant Packaging,” and their partners for this project, Chicago Laminating.

This self-promotion arrives innocently enough in a plain Brown corrugated C-flute shipping carton – technically the first “box.” The minute that’s opened, however, prepare to be dazzled. 

Box 2

That’s thanks to the Silver Foil film lamination with Spot Pearl UV on the book-cover case and tray inside. The lid shows off the Screen Printed Elegant Packaging logo in a Dark Champagne pearl UV coating, while the tray sides feature both company names Screen Printed in Opaque White. 

Opening the magnetic closure reveals the first logo in Dark Champagne repeated multiple times on the inside lid…as well as … another box. Here we go!

Box 3

The first detail that grabs my attention is a Black, bellyband – actually a 130 lb. Neenah Classic Crest Cover lined with Neenah Skivertex Black. Not only does its linen finish deliver that oh-so-important haptic element, but the thumb cutouts in the bellyband also help with the removal of this box from the last. 

A Spot Matte UV Grit coating on this package’s 80 lb. Text C1S Litho cover wrap adds a crocodile-like texture to the Rainbow Holographic film lamination, intriguing the eye as it tantalizes the fingertips.  A collapsible package, this one, too, includes a magnetic closure, while its accordion construction adds a little extra room inside.

Whew! We’re not even halfway through.

Box 4

Gold “Twinkle Powder” UV is nicely set off in this drawer box by the Black finish of the 80 lb. Text Ecological Fibers Rainbow 80 wrap, Soft Touch lamination gleefully blending “the rough with the smooth.” A broad “V” notch allows the tray to be slid easily from its housing.

Box 5

Inside is another Black Neenah bellyband, this time encircling a 3-piece box whose base and lid – Ecological Fibers Rainbow 80 Pearl Gray linen wrap – belies the wild reveal at its center: a snazzy, telescoping neck. 

This last bit includes Silver Foil lamination and Spot Matte UV and resembles a shimmering wedge thanks to the sloping way the base has been constructed, lending the complete package a powerful dynamic feel. Removing the lid we find…

Box 6

…another drawer-and-tray combination, this one with a distinctive slide-end cap wrap of Black Ecological Fibers Rainbow 80, with Soft Touch lamination throughout. 

The floral pattern is Screen Printed with glossy Black ink, while the inner tray is Neenah Classic Crest Epic Black lined with a Black “peach” textured wrap.

Still with me? We’re almost there!

Box 7 

Following today’s tone-on-tone trend, this box with a telescoping lid rocks a Screen Printed pattern on a Sullivan Paper Sulpaco Solids wrap and includes that oh-so-handy broad “V” finger notch for easy lift off.  

Inside, a clever White C1S insert holds the final 2 packages of this unboxing experience. I say “clever” because though the boxes are of vastly different depths, the insert presents them both at the same height. 

Box 8

This tall, Black box  “bubbles” with promise thanks to Screen Printed dots of Opaque White ink on the Neenah Skivertex Black wrapped telescoping lid. 

Box 9

Its companion, a matchbox-style box with a colored Eska chipboard slide-out tray, boasts a Screen Printed Gold pineapple on the top sleeve, registered to a rub-and-smell scented coating. “Go ahead and discover the heavenly scent of pineapple” the sides of the sleeve suggest. You don’t have to tell me twice.

With its combination of laminations, styles, and unexpected shapes and sizes, this promotion does what any good packaging should – create an exciting unboxing experience. And believe me, with 9 boxes in all, we’ve only just scratched…and sniffed… the surface 😉

Project Details

Title 9-Package ‘Box-in-a-Box’ Experience Client Self Date November 2023 Design Elegant Packaging (Tayben Ramirez, Maria Cepeda, Doug Ericson) Print Chicago Laminating Paper C1S Litho
Neenah Classic Crest
Ecological Fibers Rainbow 80
Neenah Royal Sundance Warm White Felt
Sullivan Paper Sulpaco Solids
Neenah Skivertex Black
Eska chipboard

Production Details

Print Quantity 1,000 Production Cost $100 + per unit Production Time 4-6 weeks Printing Method Screen Printing, Spot Matte UV, Spot Ink UV, Spot Pearl UV, Spot Grit UV, ‘Twinkle Powder’ UV Finishing and Binding Rub and Smell coating, Foil film lamination, Soft Touch lamination
1 Comment
  1. Glenn Maile 12 months ago

    Beautiful packaging, wonderful self promotion project. Keep up the good work.

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