Replay – See. Touch. Have: How Sensory Packaging Makes the Sale

In this webinar, renowned designer Kit Hinrichs (Studio Hinrichs) and trailblazing printer Jeff Hernandez (Classic Color) showed graphic designers how they can use embossing, specialty coatings and other embellishments to boost product sales, even on a limited budget and in short print runs.

Those in North America who attended this webinar live also received a free copy of “The Standard 7” – one of the most sought-after books of the year for designers.

This webinar was made possible thanks to the generous support of Sappi North America.

  1. Jorge Velasquez 3 months ago

    Always enjoy the webinars when I get a chance to watch and participate. I do hope to get my gift from this webinar.

    • Author
      Aaron 3 months ago

      Thank you for the kind words, Jorge. If you attended live and are in North America, you should be receiving your copy of Sappi’s The Standard 7 soon.

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