Instant Awesome Poster

Instant Awesome Poster - PaperSpecs

We believe that truly great design is about making something that adds richness to people’s lives; something inspiring, memorable, funny, abrasive, ironic, elegant, ugly, human — anything but uninteresting.

– Charles S. Anderson Design


Landing a speaker like Charles S. Anderson is a coup for any graphic design industry event, and even more so when his eponymous firm designs the promotional materials, to boot.

Last year, Anderson and designer Jovaney Hollingsworth teamed up to create 250 of these 18 x 25″ Instant Awesome posters for the Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness (AI for GA) event in Austin, Texas. Starting as a bimonthly speaker series with the intention of expanding into other events like exhibits or fairs, the Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness is a project by UnderConsideration LLC, a graphic design enterprise that runs a network of blogs, publishes books, organizes live events and judged competitions, and designs for clients.

Hollingsworth and Anderson tapped Industry Print Shop to screen print the charming illustrative design in white and gold ink on four different sheets of French Paper Kraft-Tone 100 lb. Cover in Index Off-White Kraft, Manila Yellow Kraft, Memo Orange Kraft and Ledger Green Kraft. Because the sheets varied in color, the ink had to be opaque enough to stand out on the darkest color but not recede on some of the lighter colored sheets.

Charles S. Anderson Design believes posters should announce, promote, challenge or inform, resulting in increased awareness or sales — which is exactly what this project achieved. “We create posters that work equally well whether wheat-pasted on a brick wall in an alley or hanging in the Museum of Modern Art.”

Photos: Armin Vit

Project Details

Title Instant Awesome Poster Client Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness Date July 2015 Design CSA Design Charles S. Anderson, Jovaney Hollingsworth Print Industry Print Shop Austin, TX Paper French Paper Kraft-Tone 100 lb. Cover Index Off White Kraft, Manila Yellow Kraft, Memo Orange Kraft, Ledger Green Kraft

Production Details

Dimensions 18 x 24" Print Quantity 250 Production Time One week Printing Method Screen print Number of Colors 2 colors (white + gold)


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