Improve Your Type Pairings

type_125Have a great eye for page design but a little less sure when it comes to your typography pairing choices? You’re not alone. The website Type Connection helps you improve your typographic eye by casting the pairing of type as an interactive dating game. You begin by selecting a particular typeface, and are then asked to pair it with another as if you’re on a dating game show. For example, you’ll get something like this:


“Choose a strategy for finding ITC Century’s match:

1. Rely on Family

2. Seek the Similar

3. Embrace the Other

4. Explore the Past.”


Clicking on “Rely on Family” brings up a warning: “Be careful. What’s comfortable can be easier but may not be that romantic.” Translation: Don’t make a boring type-pairing choice.

There is a great deal to be learned from this game, particularly if you run an eye over the meaning behind the four strategies above. Take it for a test drive yourself during the time you’d normally spend dipping into Facebook today. More fun, less simmering resentment.



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