DTs? Nope, 3D Wine Labels

wine_125‘5 o’clock Somewhere’ dept. – We have spent months cooing over various wine labels for their tasteful, exquisite designs and confident use of the finest papers. Well nuts to that. Here are some party-in-a-bottle 3D designs for Okanagan Villa Estate Winery’s Vibrant Vine offerings – and did we mention they’re 3D? With the glasses and everything! The packaging won a bronze medal at the 2014 World Beverage Competition recently.

As a rule we hate to quote from press releases, but every now and then we realize we simply can’t improve on the original:

“In the retail environment, 3-D glasses are fastened to the display coolers’ glass doors in front of the winery’s bottles. Shoppers simply look through the lenses and the wine bottle labels transform to their three dimensional appearance.”

But wait, there’s more:

“By happenstance a handful of the 3-D labels, all of which are put on by hand, were applied upside-down to the bottles containing the blend.  The bottles with the inverted labels had a look that appealed to the winery’s owner, Wyn Lewis, who named the blend OOPS! and is marketing the bottles with upside down labels.”

And just when you think things couldn’t get much better:

“The three dimensional experience is amplified in the winery’s tasting room where guests receive 3-D glasses and are exposed to an assortment of three dimensional artwork, displays and visitor souvenirs.”

Well that explains the upside-down labels, now doesn’t it?



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