Designers' Beer Brand for Charity

beer_125The creation of a new beer brand can be every bit as democratic as the beverage itself, as seven guys at London advertising agency Karmarama recently proved. The group – comprised of designers, directors and a finance expert – launched Aurelio (Latin for “golden”), the first offering from their new Two Fingers Brewing Co. All profits will go to Prostate Cancer UK.

The septet designed the packaging, logo and promotional materials; the beer itself is made by Sussex brewery Hepworth & Co. and available exclusively through British grocery chain Tesco.


As Digital Arts reports:

“The logo – a hand pointing with two fingers – represents ‘an oath to better beer, underscoring the brand’s commitment to great beer for a great cause,’ says Two Fingers Brewing Co. founder Tom Rowe. ‘And, as mission statements go, sticking two fingers up to prostate cancer seems like a pretty good one.’ ” [Note: For those yanks who somehow have remained immune to this knowledge, the “two-fingered salute” is the equivalent of our own beloved middle-finger stateside.]

Next up: a cider and stout.



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