Sappi’s ‘Neuroscience of Touch’

For years champions of paper have known in their gut that print has a greater impact on audiences than digital, but gut instincts alone are hardly conclusive. Now Sappi North America has published “A Communicator’s Guide to the Neuroscience of Touch” – an exciting overview of what science tells us about the importance of print when it comes to making an impression.

Produced by communications consultancy Rigsby Hull, the guide draws upon the latest research, as well as case studies from Apple, BMW and the World Wildlife Fund, to reveal such facts as these:


  • “The brain is built to respond to touch. More than half the brain is devoted to processing sensory experience, and much of that sensory receptivity focuses on touch.
  • What we touch shapes what we feel, influencing perceptions both consciously and subconsciously about people, situations, companies and brands.
  • Scientific studies show that people who merely touch an object, or even imagine touching it, begin exhibiting a sense of ownership.”

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Perhaps most amazing of all is a new finding from the lab of the book’s science adviser, neuroscientist Dr. David Eagleman:

“…consumers who read about a fictitious company on heavy, high-quality coated paper had more positive feelings about the company and understood and remembered the content significantly better than those who read the exact same content on either lighter, lower quality uncoated paper or on a computer screen.”

neuroscience of touch

PRO members, request your copy of  “A Communicator’s Guide to the Neuroscience of Touch” today! (Not a member? Why not begin your PRO membership today?)



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