Disloyalty Card

coffee_125In a cheeky take on the Starbucks Rewards Card, a Washington DC coffee shop has created the Disloyalty Card, which rewards those who sample six particular coffee shops around the city. Once you’ve collected stamps from all six, your seventh cup at any of the locations is free.

The card, devised by Peregrine Espresso’s Dawn Shanks and Christy Pelton, features a couple of coffee mugs on the front, and the names and addresses of all six coffee places on the back.


Most eye-catching of all is the red and blue color scheme, which instantly evokes the famous Obama “Hope” poster – probably the closest thing that polite society has to the Guy Fawkes Occupy Wall Street/Anonymous/Anarchy mask – a clever nod to the subversion inherent in getting your coffee from anywhere but Starbucks.




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